Our parish is growing older, and with advancing years stairs become harder to navigate, and our downstairs bathrooms are more difficult to access, and the doors to St. John’s have heavy springs which make them hard for the elderly to open.
Well, we’ve done wonderful things about all three areas. Our elevator is now installed and working. Our handi-capped bathroom on the floor level of the Father Hollenhorst Parish Hall, is complete, and we have an electric opener for the church on the west door on the upper parking lot side of the church.
The first estimate for the cost of the elevator and bathroom from the architect was $131,000. However, the Parish Council and I decided that the location of elevator should be moved from inside the east door from the upper parking lot to its present location. This was a wise decision – but it raised the cost substantially.
The final cost of both projects came in at $168,858. To date, gifts and contributions from parishioners and visitors total $133,611. If you can help with the balance of $35,246 your help would be deeply appreciated. Thank you to all those who have so generously given to this project.